Princeton Citizen Scientists was founded by STEM students at Princeton in the wake of the 2016 presidential election. Our focus and projects have been varied over the past five years: we have led taskforces, advocacy days, teach-ins, and an annual trip to Washington D.C. Our members come from a diverse set of backgrounds, with one thing in common: a desire to leverage our academic backgrounds for the greater public good.
We welcome post-doc and graduate student participation! We are open to new members and collaborations with local advocacy groups. To get involved, please send an inquiry to the contacts below. We will add you to our group list-serv and Slack channel. We look forward to hearing from you!
General Inquiries:
citsci [at]
Current Leadership:
Elections are in progress for the 2022 – 2023 school year.
Past Leadership:
2021 – 2022
President: Anna Jacobson. annafj [at]
Vice President: Harrison Watson. hwatson [at]
Secretary: Evan Ostrowski. eto [at]
Treasurer: Kara Enz. kenz [at]
2020 – 2021
President: Lena Barrett. lbarrett [at]
Vice President: Anna Jacobson. annafj [at]
Secretary: Kara Enz. kenz [at]

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