Princeton Citizen Scientists will March for Science!

March for Science logo
We believe in science that serves the common good for all people. As students and early-career researchers of the sciences, we recognize that deference to empirical evidence and careful skeptical argumentation is foundational to the ability of the scientific enterprise to converge onto what is knowable. At the same time, we strive to work in the service of the public, and are therefore obligated to take a stand for the public interest when it becomes necessary to do so.

As scientists, we cannot continue to stand by while science is misrepresented for financial or political gain. As Alan Alda said, “Communication is not something you add on to science, it is the essence of science”. It is necessary to strive for evidence-based policies, open and accessible availability of scientific knowledge, and respectful attendance to the concerns of the public.

Our work and our discoveries cannot speak for themselves, and if we do not speak on behalf of science, then others will instead.

For these reasons, we join the March for Science.

Sign up to march with us:
April 22, 5:30am to 8:30pm, Washington DC, pick-up at Robertson Hall on Prospect Avenue

Townhall/Sign-making events to be held on evenings of April 20-21 at Green Hall Room 2C18:
Thursday, April 20, from 7:45pm to 9pm
Friday, April 21, from 6:30pm to 8pm

Sponsored in part by the GSG Events Board. In collaboration with PSGU/AFT.